We have lots of different parts inside of us. Each part playing an instrument that when tuned well and conducted properly play beautiful music. Music = your life experience. We’re all living at some level of disharmony all the time. Tuning instruments, learning music, and following the maestro are an art that can never be fully mastered.

This lesson is simple… kind of. We have certains parts that handle certain jobs in this human experience. The warrior handles war and the lover handles love. 

But when the lover is sent in to manage war what happens? 

When we’re young and developing our love muscles, we’re in a fragile state. If misconduct occurs the fuse gets overloaded and trips off. That’s actually the way things are designed. After this happens a time or two, or a 100,000 times we call in for back up and the warrior takes over.

The warrior handling love is a fail safe. It’s not how we’re designed but that part of us really gets the job done. The main job is survival and it’s elevated to the highest priority. When we’re not safe to fully express and experience love we have a warrior handling love. This is probably because the lover has been handling war. Yeah, what the fuck?!?

I know a lot of really strong and powerful beings that got that way because they had to be. Their wires got crossed when the small, precious one deep in their core wasn’t protected and got trampled. Our caregivers fail us sometimes. They’re not around or they just don’t catch a situational experience and we’re victimized. 

We learn to not depend on anyone and take care of ourselves or we fixate on depending on one, single person to carry the load of all emotional safety and then co-regulate off of them.

I’ve never experienced this myself but I’ve heard about it. This scenario is a friend that I’m referring to… 

None of this happens without the sovereign part of you missing from the party. This is not expected when we’re young but when we get older we need to get access to that and it needs to be seeing the big picture and overseeing things. You’re responsible for being the full spectrum being that you were designed to be.

The opportunity:

What can you do to acknowledge how strong you really are?

Where does your fear come from?

How can you gain a 50,000 ft view to see what parts of your life need attention?

Thanks for your time, have a great day!

