Everybody is a genius. But if you just a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life believing it is stupid. -Unknown

What does this mean?

We all have many parts. Each part lands different on the scale of low firing to mediocre to exceptional. You have some really significant shortcomings, believe me.

The hack that I offer for you to consider goes back to the idea that we’re constantly comparing our bloopers reel to others highlight reel. If you consider that you’re seeing other people through your lens and not theirs or the worlds lens the perspective changes, humility can arrive, and we treat people better.

The opposite is, of course, true. If you compare your highlight reel to others bloopers you’re missing the point of how we’re different and we all have both positive and negative attributes.

Here’s where it gets juicy… I do this with close intimate relationships in my life. Why? Because I//we have been taught to constantly rank everything and assert a dynamic of better than or worse than. Both sides are not conducive to deeper connection. Deeper connection might just be the things that a lot of us are trying to run from.

Ranking everyone and everything also has to do with our undying need for significance. I want to be special, exceptional, the best, the first, blah blah blah… This is the antithesis of intimacy so stop doing it.

The opportunity:

Who do you judge inappropriately and rank them in a way that hurts your intimacy?

What are you going to do about it?

Thanks for your time, have a great day!

