My soul has different depths. Or… it comes into greater awareness at deeper depths. Life can be profound and meaningful when we choose to make it that way and sometimes the most sacred experiences in our lives are not the ones we choose.

I like taking powerful questions out for a spin. I’ve recently pulled this one back off the shelf:

What is sacred?

For me, that question always begs more and I’m sure it does you too. What does it mean? How is it cultivated? Is that something spiritual?

I’ve combed through my mind to understand myself and my relationship with the sacred and have come to believe that it’s not contained in my mind at all but it’s my connection and/or my embodiment of existence itself.

I’ve danced with grief. I avoided it for a long time and ran away but eventually it came for me. It grabbed me by an ankle and pulled me under and into the depths of itself. I was not prepared and had very little training to take advantage of its benefits in my earlier experiences but that changed over time.

In the beginning, I didn’t choose it until I could no longer resist but when I finally allowed myself to be swallowed up by it’s powerful force it has taught me about the finite nature of life and how precious it is. It showed me the true meaning of love. Love is sacred.

Grief doesn’t happen without a connection and disconnection to existence. I’m still exploring the great mystery of death but what seems true is that things may never cease to exist but they change in the way that they do.

There’s a beginning, a time of existence, and then an end to that way of existence. So love begins, it exists for a while, and then in one way or another it ceases to exist. That’s what makes it have meaning.

In my quest to live life to the fullest I’ve discovered that for me actual life is experienced in the small moments that are easily missed if we’re not prepared. My argument is that the way to live more fully is to be present and seek to open my heart.

I’ve been alseep at times in my life, most of my life, and what I know is that if we haven’t trained ourselves to see it and recognize places to access our heart and soul life will just keep passing by.

The opportunity:

What is sacred?

Thanks for your time, have a great day!

