Appreciation, blessings, love, pleasure, as well as hatred, sadness, and fear are things that are an experience not just thoughts. #blessed

Social media is an interesting thing. While on one hand it’s changing the way we think and can completely shape our reality, it can also be something where we share things to spread good vibes. #goodvibesonly

I learned to be numb and shut down in order to protect myself. One of the ways that I learned to adapt was to not feel negative, traumatic experiences. Good plan, right? It kept me safe, so to speak, for a long time, until it didn’t. Throughout my life I’ve come to realize that I can’t just feel good things and not feel bad things. I either feel it all or I don’t feel anything. Not feeling was something that I learned to do without trying.

The brilliance of the human mind is that it does things to protect us in ways we can’t do ourselves. I got to the point where I wondered if I was broken. Why can’t I feel, I wondered… ? Not knowing at the time that a part of me that was unconscious had created adaptations that had that happen. It was intentional but not conscious. Read that again, it was intentional but not conscious. We all do this. Everyone. Another thing is that it’s done for a valid reason.

Yes, all those adaptations are specifically done for a reason. It might not make sense to us and most of the time we struggle to admit it but if we fail to understand why it has happened you’re going to struggle to honor the wisdom of it and you’re probably also going to struggle to adapt out of (change) it as well.

I could go on but I want to pivot. The point I want to make is that the good stuff and the bad stuff is all felt and experience in the body. I think we’d all agree that we want to feel the good stuff. (We might not feel like we deserve it but that’s another blog.) So if you want to experience greater levels of joy, love, pleasure, appreciation, etc etc. you’re going to have to be willing to feel the pain of whatever else lives in you that you’re numbing out to.

I had come to the point in my life where I interpreting feeling in any way was marked as bad and my believe was that I shouldn’t do it. Don’t feel anything.

The next point is that you’re going to be more likely to find a way to heal when you actually face your pain. “No pain, no gain.” In the long run I’m trying to feel more and more pleasure and joy and less and less negative emotional experiences. I say I don’t want to feel negative things so I need to face them so that I can process them and then have them show up less.

I’m all about spreading the love and joy but if you’re marking stuff with a hashtag but you’re not living it, it’s time to get to work and face your demons. I want my life to display and honor how blessed I am and how much I experience appreciation in my being be my example.

The opportunity:

Where are you numb in your life?

Who is impacted by you checking out and being numb?

On a scale of 1 – 10 how much joy do you experience in your body?

What’s one thing you can do to stop numbing and start experiencing?

Thanks for your time, have a great day.

