Consciousness is a loosely defined concept that addresses the human awareness of both internal and external stimuli. This can refer to spiritual recognition, psychological understanding, medically altered states, or more modern-day concepts of life purpose, satisfaction, and self-actualization.
Here’s what I figure…we’re wired to grow, evolve and attempt to reach higher levels of consciousness. Growth is said by many to be one of our basic human needs. I agree. I believe we’re all wanting to push the envelope in one or many of our quadrants of existence; our body, our mind, our emotions and our walk with a higher power or god, whatever you want to call it.
A couple ways we access higher states of consciousness are by it happening in a general sense meaning we have accessed a higher level on a day to day basis and then there are situational experiences of it like feeling connected to something bigger than ourselves for a few moments or seeing something beautiful that brings an overwhelming sensation of peace, love and connection.
On a general basis, the main thing that prohibits anyone from experiencing either state of higher consciousness is our day to day “story”. Our constant flow of unconscious thoughts, beliefs and judgements that we project onto ourselves, others and most everything in the world. This is the natural survival intuition gone completely amok, our fear centers driving us to judge what’s safe and controlling our choices. This is a very limiting way to live, trust me, I’ve lived a lot of my life that way.
We can all train ourselves what to focus on and to discern the difference between mortal danger and something that might just be difficult and/or uncomfortable. This is where most of us have a lifetime of work to do…welcome. Until you get that bull by the horns your ability to access and live in higher states of connection to your main purpose you’re on this planet and in the realm of magic and possibility is drastically limited.
So I ask…what’s your go to method of derailing yourself so that you stay in bed with your story about the negative things going on in your life? And then what unhealthy behaviors do you exhibit to try to fix that mess?