And Forgiveness and Appreciation
I was having a meaningful conversation with my friend, Gareth Higgins the other day and he relayed a story about a company that had made drill bits for years and years. I’m probably going to butcher the story but you’ll get the point. They’d been a leader in the industry and eventually lost sight of their mission, that being to make holes in things. They’d become lost thinking that they made the thing to make holes…and they did but when the relevancy changed and perspectives shift it changes the meaning about what they did. I tell you this because we all lose sight of our mission and what our intention really is deep down in the core of each of us.
I talk about focus a lot. I use it and teach it as an important means to get what we’re after. Some of the most important things I’m after are happiness, safety and ease and I think these are somewhat universal. Yet focus without perspective can be foolish. The bad news is, we’re all foolish at one time or another. If you’re like me you’ve focused on looking a certain way, getting a bunch of loot or driving the right car. By the way, I drive a great car. Anyway, maybe these haven’t been your particular flavor of inappropriate focus? But pretty much all of the time it’s to get love and/or appreciation. And in the context of our relationships it’s to have someone consider us valuable or important. (Worthy of connection…right?!?)
So an offer I have when it comes to focus is to access a couple things that raise our psychic vibration and move us away from a certain stratus of cognitive operation. One of them is forgiveness, forgiveness of both ourselves and others. Forgiveness is an act of letting go, to release negative intentions and change our attitude and feelings about a situation and to actually wish the person being forgiven good will. I don’t know about you but I can use a dose and a half of that. Appreciation is the other and again, self and others. The choice to focus on and concentrate enough to taking inventory of all that we have changes brainwaves and raises our spirit. (For me that’s code for being more connected to God or whatever you want to call it.)
I am actively expanding my sphere and I’d like your help. I think these thoughts are pretty cool and useful in helping the world heal and be a more positive place. If you’re up for helping me out send this to a few people. My plan is to eventually take over the world.