having meaning.
“meaningful elements in a language”
synonyms: significant, relevant, important, consequential, telling, material, valid, worthwhile”a meaningful remark”
having a serious, important, or useful quality or purpose.
“making our lives rich and meaningful”
synonyms: sincere, deep, serious, in earnest, significant, important
“a meaningful relationship”
communicating something that is not directly expressed.
“meaningful glances and repressed passion”
synonyms: expressive, eloquent, pointed, significant, meaning
I’m going to just assume that most of us want everything in life to have more meaning. Our jobs, how we impact our community, our relationships, all the things we experience we want to worthwhile.
We constantly ask ourselves, “Am I doing what’s important to me with my time?”
We especially want to have deeper connection and derive more and more meaning in our significant, intimate relationship(s).
Are you able to impact your reality in the way you want to? Are you creating the life you say want?
So… how do we find or attain deeper meaning? I think by having authentic emotional experiences in healthy and functional ways. An important precursor to that is that we actually know what we want.
Connection is one of the things that help us create more meaning. Who are we to others? And who are they to us? When we find out amazing news the first thing we do is tell the people who we care about to have a shared experience. When we experience loss or fear we naturally want to feel soothed by others.
How do you share yourself with the people around you? And how do you decide who those people are?