Change is hard. The reason it’s hard for me is because it’s scary. We all know this. We fear change. Will things be worse? What if the people don’t like the new… ?
We love familiarity. We love certainty. When we experience fear rather than excitement the wrong part of us is online and running the show. Change is actually the idea that we need to base our certainty around. Change is sure to happen and we can either be part of it or not. This is the same thing when it comes to love too. Love happens, exists, and is all around us, we can either be part of it or not. That’s another blog.
Let’s chat a bit more about the part of us that resists change. Why the hell is this? Why are we so worried that we won’t survive making changes? I believe this is because we’re neurobiologically wired to be connected to others. We need connections, we need love. That’s one of the reasons we like certainty. We have a pretty good idea about how we relate to others in our current way of being. It may not be great but we settle for certainty. This is where even if it is broke we don’t want to fix it.
But… life is about risk. Life is about evolution. Live is about growth and adaptation. That’s the tension we feel. We’re also wired to grow. We settle for growing the mass of artifacts that surrounds us. We settle for growing our net worth, our body mass, muscles, etc. Basically a bunch of bullshit instead of the amount of love we experience and transmit.
Here’s the goods… change requires taking action in certain and/or specific ways. I think most of us have a pretty good idea of what we need to do but we lose the battle between certainty and risk. We allow ourselves to get confused and become distracted again and again. We fool ourselves. The world is so full of opportunities for distraction that focus and discipline needs to be in our arsenal in order to take action rather than go down the rabbit hole of distraction one more time.
The opportunity:
How are you distracting yourself?
What risky action do you need to be taking?
Thanks for your time, have a great day!