What if we had relationships where we knew all or most of the games we played in them?
What if we could share all those things like disclaimers or a warning label so everyone knows the shit that comes with us… all that we say, all that we do, and all the we “think” we are and where all that comes from?
What if we had full awareness of our ego, all of our favorite constructs we live our lives through, the frameworks that form the basis for how we relate, how we love, how we value life and ourselves?
What if we thoroughly examined our childhood social imprinting and knew how all that effects our beliefs, our limitations, if we live generously, open, and loving or whether we live in constant fear, turmoil, and disconnection?
Sharing and owning those disclaimers would be a really great way to change our lives and the tone of everything that surrounds us. Actually shifting those so that they’re no longer the lens we live our lives through would be superb. Hell, even stupendous!
All this can be done if you’re willing to do the hard work to gain that self knowledge. You need to know what your strengths are. You need to learn about and admit your shortcomings… shit, there are going to be parts of each of us that are downright shameful- those are the “OH BOY!?” parts of us. Once you know what they are you can leverage your strengths and you can begin to polish the “OH BOY!?” parts or strategically mind the gap over them.
The problem is that it’s common to hide most of that. Take a little time right now and think about what you withhold from others in your life right now. We’ve even become extremely adept at hiding it from ourselves. It’s scary to look at it and usually even scarier to tell people about it. This skill we all develop to manage others perception of us comes in handy when we’re forming new relationships, looking at different employment opportunities, and so many others quadrants of our lives. But this is no way to live your life and you know it. There’s a sensation somewhere inside you that signals you to quit doing that shit and gain congruency.
Here’s how;
Start examining everything in your life. (Your preferences, your patterns, your relationships/connections, your approaches, your schemes, your games… everything.)
Do it systematically and see how all of those things benefit you and how they cost you.
Be willing to share that with people in your life.
Set up a cycle of healthy feedback to see how you’re impacting and interfacing with others.
Create new habits and patterns.
Kick ass, have fun, and acknowledge how blessed you are.
Start now because you have less time than you think to sort this out.
Thanks for your time. Have a great day!