You have a very sophisticated part of you that will come up with all kinds of excuses to stay busy and not do things that will make your life better. Old habits die hard.

Last week I talked about getting uncomfortable. Doing something new requires facing that sometimes awkward feeling of neglecting something that you’ve always told yourself is important.

I mean… someone needs to do the dishes, they won’t do themselves. And who else will fold the laundry? You don’t want to live in a flop house. If the kids are going to eat something that’s good for them you need to take that time to use nutritious ingredient and make dinner with love.

Here’s the deal, doing those things is important but it’s not earth shattering is you don’t do them. You could probably even handle to not eat. There are alternatives to most things we do in order to make the space for change.

Something has to compromise. What are you going to take off your plate that you’ve convinced yourself is absolutely required and necessary?

Bobby Maximus says that it takes 160 hours to get into shape if you’re not. That’s 9600 minutes and if you do forty minutes a day it’ll take you 240 days. Where will the minutes come from?

The opportunity:

What are you going to take off your plate today that you’ve convinced yourself is absolutely required and necessary?

Thanks for your time, have a great day!

