Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences. -Robert Louis Stevenson

Well! It’s that time of year again. The reckoning. Each year I look back and examine what the hell happened and how I’ve wound up where I have, some good and some… not so good. I take account for what I’ve thought, what choices I’ve made, and what I actually did and didn’t do.

I offer these questions to provide some insight to my friends and usually force my clients to answer them with me at the end of each year;

What were your three biggest accomplishments this year?

What were your three biggest failures this year?

Who had the the biggest impact on you this year?

What do you want to let go of right now, set down and not bring into next year?

You have just three more days to sit in inquiry with these subjects or you could always put it off for another few weeks or months… and for extra credit maybe you answer these questions with your team, partner, or significant other.

Thanks for your time. Have a great day.

