I believe we live in cycles and that everything around us does.

Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. (also known as risk)
Integration is about altering ourselves moving forward from knowledge we acquire.
Rest is where we assess what’s needed next and gather energy to move forward again.

What does surrender mean to you? How does one gently hold the edges of reality and our world so it can be expanded?

Different parts of our lives are in different phases all the time. It’s important to know what phase we’re in and make the best of it while we’re there.

This cycle needs to be managed. Consider what dysfunction can occur if we stay in any of these phases for too long. Growing and growing without integration or rest. Integration before growing enough and not assessing where to move to next. And then, rest…well, too much rest and not enough growth or integration I don’t think I need to explain what happens.

Where do you need to take some healthy risk in your life? Maybe in your intimate relationship? Connecting with someone that’s different than you? Your money/investments?

Where in your kingdom do you have opportunity for change?

