I live my life with a certain assumption and that is we’re all wired to evolve and become better people. This is a belief I hold to be true. I also believe that many of the best of us don’t have a firm grasp on how to do that. That’s where I come in…I’m going to share with you how to do it. Evolution…it’s what’s for dinner.
I like fancy phrases like,”raising your consciousness” but the truth is that it’s not that complicated. That phrase is just another way of putting a concept of paying attention and focusing. It’s simple, not easy. It all starts with the idea that we’re going to observe ourselves and I think that comes from a question;
Could my life be different?
Is there more? (Love, truth, connection, power, etc.)
What’s important?
Am I happy?
Is this all there is?
The mind and psyche are amazing constructs that are constantly looking to self substantiate. Because of that we need to put effort into finding perspectives outside ourselves. There’s already an entity inside of us that’s seeking. Often that entity hasn’t been properly managed and your search for “answers” can run amuck. Instead seek to access the functional, healthy entity in charge of discovery and curiosity. Attempt this…objective observation while trying to see another perspective. You will discover things being in alignment with your deepest values and principles and parts of your life that aren’t.
Your life needs almost constant updates and evolution so that you continue to live in alignment with your ever evolving path to fulfill your mission in life or purpose.
Do you remember when we had atlases? Rand McNally was the one we had. A new one was produced every year. If you were headed from Seattle to Portland you could probably do alright just winging it but if you were going from Morrow Bay, California to Ashville, North Carolina you certainly want the latest version to help you make the journey. Ask yourself, is your mapping system that’s guiding your life up to date?