I’ve been talking with my clients about this topic. As is often with the topic of my blog posts.
Good god, has it become more and more challenging for me to have fun in life. I really really enjoy physical challenges. I’d like to say that’s how I have fun. I’m realizing there are facets of fun that elude me. Since I’m telling you that I struggle with it, I’m going to have to surrender my expert hat and share from of place of what I’m learning.
Some of you are probably just like me and some of you might be a lot better at having fun and chilling out. And then there’s the whole spectrum in between.
What I’m discovering is that there are a few components that lead to inhibiting it; control, not allowing enough time, getting hung up on things I can’t control, taking myself too serious, and not seeing the value in downtime.
I’m a pretty serious man. Intense. Deep. Soulful. Can I blend deep and soulful with fun and relaxed? That’s been my challenge. How can I be taken seriously in mourning the loss of people in my life and laugh and have fun? It is a paradox for sure.
I think there’s a sweet spot to fun and it’s different for everyone. For me, the popular story I play out in my thoughts is “too much fun and I’ll never get anything done, I won’t pull off my long term goals”, “if I’m too serious and rigid, there isn’t enough space to let go and roll with what unfolds”. So I need to come up with new stories to tell myself.
Kids seem to have the market on letting go and having fun. I was watching a little girl spin in circles until she got dizzy and fell down yesterday. When was the last time you did that? What age did fun become difficult for you? If you’ve got this on lock, let me know how you pull this off.
Thanks for your time. Have a fun and relaxing weekend.