Latest Thoughts
Petrol for the Soul #202
Mindset. It’s as important now as it’s ever been. What are you doing to manage yours? Check out another video on sleep and how important it is in the second video today. And you HAVE TO check out the dog in the last video!!! Something beautiful: Something thought provoking: The wild card: Thanks for your […]
Nothing Really Matters
Everyone I know believes they’re unloveable at one point or another. Some their whole lives. Damn! Because of this we all develop schemes or tactics to get the love we so desperately need. We please, we perform, we strike deals around money, or some other exchange or transaction. Are you on the hamster wheel of […]
Petrol for the Soul #201
All right, celebrating the 200th week of Petrol for the Soul is over so let’s get back to our regularly scheduled program of strict mindset management. How are you doing at regulating your media content? I’m all about biohacking and living my best life. Check out what caffeine and alcohol does to our bodies. Something […]
Embracing Impermanence
The title alone seems to be a contradiction in terms. As I write this the most I can muster up is to simply “allow” impermanence which is a joke I know since I’m not in a place of power to allow or not allow anything right now. I liken it to getting comfortable with the […]
Petrol for the Soul #200 WOW!!!
For the last 200 weeks (nearly four years) of Petrol for the Soul I’ve harped on you to manage your mindset. It’s your responsibility, your right, and your life. What we think and what we focus on creates our experience. We always have the ability to manage our attitude and effort. (Frankl) I started Petrol […]
The power of facing negative emotions
Everyone I know has said to themselves at one time,“I hate the way I feel.” Our lives are often filled with negative experiences, emotions, and sensations. Yep, it’s just part of the human experience. And we’re hardwired to move away from that. We do this by many different means: distractions, hyperarousal (feeling something more intense […]
Petrol for the Soul #199
Good day and welcome to your week. So… have you been working on your mindset? For all you alpha males out there the third video is for you. Yeah, you’re a badass. Something beautiful: Something thought provoking: The wild card: Have a great week!
Choice 101
At certain times in life we all find ourselves at that level of consciousness where we’re wanting something, not getting it, and not being honest with ourselves why. I want to see if I can simply this for you. Delusions are tricky. Ahem. Certain things in life are clearly attainable. It’s not rocket science or […]
Petrol for the Soul #198
Start the week off right. Feed your brain and hopefully your soul too. Nothing is more interesting than people so enjoy what these people do, say, and create. Something beautiful: Something thought provoking: The wild card: Thanks for doing something to get your mind right. Have a good week.
Laws for Living Fully
I recently started working on a list of rules that I think are important for a person to live their life by in order to live well and experience life to it’s fullest. I’m big on living life deeply, soulfully, and staying awake. My mission in life is to raise the consciousness of the world […]