Latest Thoughts
Truth 550 -Advanced Truth
Last week I talked about truth. I hope you enjoyed it and got something out of it. Seeking the truth requires inquiry. The truth is said to never change. I get that so if it changes it must not be the truth yet. As we explore deep down into ourselves we find the layers I […]
Petrol for the Soul #126
Happy Monday! Or Tuesday in some parts of the world. Something beautiful; Thought provoking; Wild card; Thanks for you time. Have a great week.
Truth and Love
There are a lot of messages and beliefs about the truth that we’re imprinted with throughout our lives; the truth hurts, the truth will set you free, I’m going to be brutally honest with you, I only give people as much truth as I think they can handle, etc. etc… Humans need to connect. It’s […]
Petrol for the Soul #125
I believe in managing or engineering the environment we live in. An environment that creates adaptation in alignment of our vision and purpose in life. So… what we put across our radar is a big part of that. Thought provoking; Beautiful; Wild card; An article in leadership and negative thinking is here. Thanks for […]
Trauma and Growth
There’s a direct cause and effect of challenges and growth. Certain ideas like this are widely know. That’s where the term,”No pain, no gain.” comes from. We know that when we try to do anything better or greater we’ll have to face a breaking down of things. The simple example of building muscle belongs here […]
Petrol for the Soul #124
It’s Monday so it’s time to send out some weekly media content to help shape your day and week. Something thought provoking; Something beautiful; The wild card; An article on what it felt like to almost die. Thanks for your time. Have a great week.
Beings and Things
One of the ways we create issues in our lives and the world is to create separation and difference. The main way to create peace and elegance is to work towards connection and collaboration. Think of any relationship you have, whether that’s an intimate, familial, yourself, business, or colleague. When you begin to see yourself […]
Petrol for the Soul #123
It’s Monday. How is your mindset? How are you crafting and engineering your experience in life? Something beautiful; Something thought provoking; Here is an article on leadership and the three levels of listening . A story of human wonder; Thank you.
Week 10 Mindset, Gratitude, and Service.
The final week of mindset… for now. Life is about give and take and balancing (or harmonizing) the two. We aren’t too complex but we do have a few quadrants of our lives that appreciate some specific ratios and mixtures. Do we have any martini drinkers in the house? Whether you like it dirty, dry, […]
Petrol for the Soul #122
Here is a trio of cool content curated to put you in the right mindset. Something beautiful; Something thought provoking; And of course, the wild card; Thanks for your time. Have a great week.