Latest Thoughts

Petrol for the Soul #317

July 11, 2022

I’ve been working on surrender and acceptance lately. Really good stuff for me as I seek to reduce anxiety and tension. Life is/can be amazing depending on the lens I view the world. My idea for the week: Something thought provoking: Something amazing/beautiful: The wild card: Thanks for your time, have a great week!

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Rules Were Made to be Broken

July 8, 2022

What area of your life do you need to break the rules? We can’t talk about breaking rules without talking about following rules. If we’re to examine the idea that we might find value in breaking rules how do we determine this? Following rules, for the most part, is a good thing-maybe it keeps us […]

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Petrol for the Soul #316

July 4, 2022

There are many reasons and ways to become a better version of ourselves. What I want to call you out on is trying to be better because you’re not good enough. Evolution and adaptation are part of being human and the enjoyment of that process is available to everyone. So… keep changing, keep evolving, and […]

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Haters Gonna Hate

July 1, 2022

People often use and view boundaries or barriers or hurdles in different ways. Some people experience a boundary and interpret it as attempted control. Some people won’t assert boundaries for fear of losing connection. On the other hand, some people only give their love in exchange for something. Sometimes we call this withholding. “You only […]

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Petrol for the Soul #315

June 27, 2022

Another week, another opportunity to up your #mindset game. I’ve gone through YouTube and painstakingly done the hard work of sifting through and figuring out some good stuff in there. Of course this curated list starts with an amazing video by yours truly so you’re welcome. Check me out: Something thought provoking: Something beautiful/amazing: […]

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The Harmonics of Change

June 24, 2022

  We’re wired to change. Evolution is the way of the universe and humans. Wow! That’s a big idea. Tony Robbins has talked about the six human needs. I don’t know if he stole them from somewhere but I patch them from him all the time. Thanks, Tony.  Four physical needs-certainty, uncertainty, significance, and connection.  […]

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Petrol for the Soul #314

June 20, 2022

Are you the type of person who returns the shopping cart from the parking lot or not? Hmm… watch the wild card. AND, Victor Wooten on bass!! Very beautiful!! Check me out: Something thought provoking: Something amazing/beautiful: The wild card: Thanks for your time, have a great week!

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Logistics of death?

June 17, 2022

Just a bit of a loose passing thought but I’ve recently heard of an instance where someone died. Their estate was not clear and they were unprepared, both logistically as well as having the affairs of their heart and soul in order too. Estranged from children and not having a will both seem like a […]

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Petrol for the Soul #313

June 13, 2022

I’ve decided to start putting my addition for the week as the first video that is linked. It’s pretty good. But… watch David Blaine with Harrison Ford. Do you believe in magic? What kind of art forms do you like? Check me out: Something thought provoking: Something beautiful/amazing: The wild card: Thanks for your time, […]

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The Good Ole 3 to 5

June 10, 2022

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with which relates to the law of averages, the theory that the result of any given situation will be the average of all outcomes. We choose our relationships and networks based off of many things. […]

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