Latest Thoughts
Petrol for the Soul #37
Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend. I’m going to build off the challenge I talked about a few weeks ago. Take a minute and think of three things that you’re grateful for right now. Got it? Good. Now take another minute and think about three things that you’re can take notice of […]
Body Image
I thought it’d be a good week to discuss and share some thoughts about what we think, feel, and decide about the vessel we inhabit. It could probably be the topic of weekly blog posts for the next ten years but we’ll start here. Enjoy! I’ve been abroad for the last couple weeks. When I […]
Petrol for the Soul, Week #36
Lordy, Lordy it’s petrol for your soul! Believe me you need it this week. Sometimes I just want to post some of the same videos I’ve already posted because are so damn good! What are some of your favorites? This week; Click to learn how to not take things personally. Thanks for your time and have […]
Character flaw Vs. Situational choice
Life is all about perspective so the more perspectives we can entertain the broader our consciousness in it’s ability to hold many different points of view and seek to understand the people in the many different areas of our lives. I travel a bit. I wouldn’t say a ton but I love to explore other […]
Petrol for the Soul, Week #35
Happy Monday! Here’s your dose of good stuff to feed the animals inside your head The power of mental conditioning Thanks for your time. Have a great week.
On Relating, Week #5
Who deserves your help? Your support? Hell, who deserves your love? How good are you at loving all of yourself… even the parts no one claps for? Shame is a social epidemic. None of us are immune and the outcome is devastating. This week is the final installment of a series of blogposts about my […]
Petrol for the Soul #34
I hope you’re having a great Monday. Here’s your weekly dose of uplifting, thought provoking, and fun media. Thank you for your time. Have a great week!
On Relating, Week #4
I often use an analogy to help describe why we need to bring the cognitive system that filters information up to date. It goes like this; when travelling by car on a road trip who remembers the Rand McNally Road Atlas? A new atlas came out every year. The new version had different roads that’d been […]
Petrol for the Soul #33
Good morning and happy Monday. The weekly media reset you’re looking for that’s positive, fun, and maybe even beautiful is right here. If you want to find it you will. There’s evidence of positivity all around us. I’m not saying we need to put Hershey’s syrup on dog shit, that’s not how I roll. I […]
On Relating, Week #3
Alright… I admit it, one of my biggest struggles has been learning how to connect. And I don’t have it all figured out yet. I feel it’s a lifelong journey to master human connection. I’m up for the task. Certain connections seem to be pretty easy like when we see eye to eye, or when […]