Latest Thoughts
Petrol for the Soul #22
Good morning! Happy Monday. Here you go…now go jam on into your week. Aren’t people amazing and talented? Love yourself, love each other and have fun.
Connecting 101
Why does compassion feel like it takes so much energy? Connection/love is one of the cornerstones of life. You could deny it but that would be ridiculous. I know I for one have spent a part of my life thinking, acting, and making choices that were counter to that. “I don’t need anyone.” “Why bother, […]
Petrol for the Soul #21
Another monday…more petrol for the soul, that’s the way it works around here. These goats are teaching me something I’ve been chasing for a long time now, how to have fun. Somewhere along the way that became really difficult. It seems to come with ease for them…good song too. What do you […]
The Crossfit Games Open, Week #5
This is week five of the five week open season for the crossfit games open. It’s been a long five weeks. Besides this weeks workout, I’ve done every workout twice. That makes nine workouts. It has taken a toll. I’ve gone on and on about what my internal process is throughout these last weeks. If […]
Petrol for the Soul #20
Happy Monday! Welcome to the beginning of another week of living. Here’s some good food for your mind. Enjoy; Thanks for your time. Have a wonderful week, I insist.
The Crossfit Game Open, Week #4
I’m not doing as good as I’d like to. I think I should be doing better. Okay, I admit it, I’ve gone down the list to blame anyone and everyone I can think of because it’s certainly not my fault. How do these sound; I haven’t had enough time. My coach isn’t doing what I […]
Petrol for the Soul #19
Good morning and happy Monday! Here’s a few things to start out your week. If you’ve come here looking for political nonsense, look elsewhere. While some of the content here is meant to be provocative, it’s meant to bring an individual closer to their authentic self while acknowledging that beauty is all around us, love […]
The Crossfit Games Open, Week #3
Stress is a killer. I believe we all know this. Ungoverned it has the power to wreck almost anything and some would argue that anxiety is a epidemic today. I, personally, don’t know anyone who’s immune. On the other hand, I truly believe there are ways to find respite but it requires work. This is […]
Petrol for the Soul #18
Good morning and happy Monday! Some thought provoking fuel for this week. What do you do to find peace? How are you creating a healthy relationship with physical challenge? How do you relate to others? 18 People Talk About What It Feels Like To Be An Introvert It’s great to spend time with you. Have […]
The Crossfit Games Open, Week #2
I redid last weeks workout on Monday. In the late morning and for a couple hours before I did it I was nervous as hell and scared. During those couple hours leading up to the redo on Monday I was extremely tense and it took a lot just to access my tools for managing stress […]