I’ve been curating inspiring, fascinating, beautiful, and informative content for 104 weeks now. Two years old.

This came about several years ago from a conversation I was having with a friend. He was talking about how he could somehow get into facebook and effect the algorithms to make Facebook show positive content at a specif ratio for every one that was ugly and negative. Great idea, I thought.

This was my solution and it’s been a really powerful journey for me along the way. I’ve found myself scouring the interwebs in search of media content that’s geared towards positivity and higher vibration. The search alone helps me be positive and not get bummed out from the enormous amounts of negative slanted stuff out there.

Here is an interesting article on microdosing. Can it really help people with productivity, depression, anxiety, and erecitile dysfunction? Inquiring minds want to know.

Thanks for your time. Have a great week.

