Our body and physical health is the lead domino to happiness and success. Biohackers are now saying that the best way to live a long and happy life is to get lots of good sleep, after that it’s how we fuel ourselves, and then how we move the machine we’ve been given respective of our controllable circumstances.

Our connection to our bodies is the foundation for so many things in life. We’re not simple beings and I love the full complexity of who we are. And… I think sometimes it’s easier to break things down into smaller parts to see how we’re actually doing.

What we feel in our bodies when we experience different emotions we experience can be managed by how well we understand the impacts of the sensations that are swirling around in our bodies. Where is it in our bodies, what color is it, what shape does it have, how big is it, what texture is it? What does all that mean and where do throes meanings need to be updated.

Grief. I was taught to turn that all off. Society teaches most of us that it’s inappropriate to feel certain emotions so we work our asses off to be numb and shut it down. I’ve had people on countless occasions apologize for crying and being sad.

Times when they SHOULD be sad, for instance, when a close family member had died. One person told me that they didn’t want me to feel uncomfortable by their sadness and crying?! Sex is another example. Who at sometime in their lives has been disconnected from themselves and couldn’t enjoy the pleasure from sex?

These are things I’ll argue that are actually times when we should be tuning in to what we’re experiencing and feel it as deeply as possible not numbing that stuff out.

Food. Sadly most people struggle to properly interpret hunger signals. Because of this we eat when we experience emotions or when we’re bored or for numerous other dysfunctional reasons.

Pain and comfort. There are times when it’s important to be able to reframe what the brain is telling us about what we perceive that our body is telling us. At times, we want to feel nice and comfy. That’s pretty natural but it’s not something that we should strive for all the time.

Depending on our age and able bodied status we need to maintain this vessel in certain ways. Yet, I for one, struggle to do that at times. I’ll feel like shit but I still lift and push myself. I’ve learned the hard way that if I don’t maintain this racecar (maybe more like a Buick) it will not perform optimally.

What’s going on in my body impacts how I feel and what emotions I experience. This can cause my thoughts to be cloudy and then I’ll think certain things and not others.

The real hum dinger in all of this is if you’re not managing these factors successfully you’ll not be able to feel love to the degree you’re capable of?

The opportunity:

Should you be sleeping more or less?

Should you be eating more or less?

Should you be moving your body more or less?

What are you doing to train yourself to be able to be uncomfortable in order to achieve something that is safe, healthy, and important for you to have?

Just some thoughts, have a great day!

