Throughout our lives everything we experience exposes us to ideas and perceptions that we take on then act as filters causing us to see the world in specific ways.
Your family’s influence, religious rules and doctrines, your ethnicity, the schools you attend, books you read, media and news you watch, ALL OF IT, contributes to the way you see the world, and the thoughts you entertain. This forms your conceptualizations about love, success, god, fear, and everything else.
And with all that, everything you’ve ever been exposed to and learned is nothing compared to what is still out there and what your potential is.
Plenty of what you’ve learned is good while a lot is antiquated and obsolete.
At certain points in your life you do work to discover more about yourself. As you examine your old ideas and look to make new updates to your thoughts and philosophical stance you will change. This is often good.
Let me share a simple and clear thought around evolution-it’s simply the adaptation to an environment. When this happens without intention or shape it could be positive or negative. Take anything and put it in a specific environment and it will alter and calibrate . Evolution and adaptation are a certainty in life. So I ask you this important question, how are you shaping this?
Then the next question I’ll pose is how are you doing at balancing taking on others ideas with espousing yours to everyone else? There’s a part of us that’s built to seek others to align with us and to have their loyalty. After all… my ideas are pretty great and of course the lens I see life through is the best.
Are we only transmitting or are we receiving too? This is an ever shifting balance that we have a tendency to do one more than the other. We all need to be able to focus ourselves to show up on one side of this question or the other. There’s a time for transmission and there’s a time for receiving. How do we listen, how do we speak, and how do we engage in an intentional cadence to create an exchange of ideas between each involved.
Let me get cut to the chase, there is a zealot in everyone. Meaning, you only see the world your own way and you’re trying to get everyone else to see it that way too. You also know someone who’s doing this. It’s not always pretty to be around.
So by this way of thinking I look for people where I and the way I live is superior. The lens I see life through is one where I’m more evolved, more woke, and others are below me. Like the person whose only tool is a hammer everywhere they look all they see is nails.
This can sometimes be a “hero complex”. I love to rescue people. I come in, I save the day, I look great, and everyone sees me as special and significant.
Furthermore, I get power and/or my ego stroked by helping others and in order for me to do that I have to “find” people that need help. This causes me to see the world through a lens where I see broken or needy people. All of it is to stroke my ego. Because of all of this the way I live life is to send out my thoughts and energy and not to receive so much.
What needs to happen so we see one another as equals? I don’t want look down on others believing they need to be saved or broken but I do want to see them for what they can be. When I live this way I tend to receive in a nice ratio with how much I transmit.
The opportunity:
How and why do we want it our way?
Do you tend to transmit or receive more? Why?
The million dollar question… how do we meet others where they are and where we are too and blend our views?
Thanks for your time, have a great day!