If you spend a couple hours a day exposing yourself to porn on the internet or elsewhere but say you don’t have enough time in the day and then have shame about it you need to look deeply at your priorities.

Hear me out…

So maybe porn isn’t your thing and it’s Facebook, the news, or… your particular method for wasting your life away is sleeping. For some it’s all of the above. Somewhere in your life you’re pissing away your time, at least some.

Hell! It might even be meditation for some people!? Just simply disappearing.

We’ve been put on this earth to fulfill a mission. You. Me. All of us. Deep inside there’s a talent or superpower that you’re meant to discover and contribute that talent to the world.

This mission is almost always a deep, spiritual endeavor. It creates soul dollars when you spend time with it and these dollars are to be spent in intentional, conscious ways.

There’s a rung in each of us that is rarely accessed in our everyday conversations. It’s the rung where we connect with our deepest soul’s desire. It’s your connection to god, your higher power, or an inquiry into what simply can’t be easily explained about life.

So… why are you watching porn or (insert your time waste here) instead of refining your connection to that deeper rung? How smooth are your methods for accessing your god?

Budhha says, “The trouble is you think you have time.”

Whether it’s ten minutes (1% of your waking hours) or two hours (120 minutes or 12% of your waking hours) of fucking around consider how your life would be different if you spent, literally spent, that time fulfilling your mission, accessing god, or polishing the route to access god.

If you’re wasting time on bullshit a couple things may be at play; you think you don’t matter or it can be done later. Neither are true.

The opportunity;

Spend ten minutes before you go to bed today and every day for a week accessing your higher self (call this prayer, meditation, whatever) to get clear on your purpose, mission, or whatever your unique contribution is in the world.
Take an additional ten minutes and fulfill what you’re clear about.

If you can’t easily find a mission, call me and I’ll help you.

Thanks for your time, have a great day!

