The point in life is to be/create beautiful music. Sometimes happy and cheerful songs, sometimes rock, jazz, and sometimes depressing heart yanking stuff. All of it with the potential to be breathtaking and stupendous. You are the instrument.
Think about a piano or any other instrument. In order for it to play music in the most beautiful way it must be tuned. Brass, drums, strings, all of them. Over time strings get stretched, the different parts of the instruments get warped from environmental effects. Weather, use, non-use, and other factors all play a part in the small shifts that effect the tune. You either use a tuner, can tune by ear, or you use another instrument that’s in tune to get the notes to sound the way needed. Sometimes you need to hire someone to tune it for you.
We all doubt ourselves at one time or another. We sometimes trust ourselves and others and sometimes we don’t. The deal is that throughout our lives we have experiences that build or destroy trust. We then see the world through a lens according to that. That lens effects our ability to hear the notes.
What happens is that we believe someone or something to be true at different points. Sometimes that turns out to be congruent with our reality and sometimes not. I’m going to do, be, have x, y, z, forever, for ten weeks, or one day at a time. This reality suffers rupture after rupture and we no longer possess the confidence to know that what we think and believe is actually the way the world really is. We can no longer hear what’s in tune and what’s not.
Take a relationship for instance. Two individuals “fall in love”. They move in together, they start buying things together and “building a home”. They often can buy into a shared fantasy that’s some distance from the way the world really works. I’ll look past this in order to receive x, y, z. When this happens they start to change how much they concentrate on keeping their practices that keep themselves in tune.
Then when shit falls apart, they think… how did I not see this? What did I ignore? What did I look past? Why? How can I stop this from happening again? They make commitments like, I’ll never put myself in a situation like that ever again. The world gets smaller and then they only play that music you hear in elevators. Is that you?
Doubt will set in and we all, at times, depend on others to help us get back in tune. Sometime the people we choose are in tune themselves and sometimes they’re not.
The suggestion I’m going to blatantly put out there is we need to access a state of inquiry with enough regularity to know it when our ability to trust ourselves and the world is out of tune. We all need to surround ourselves with people who can support us and point it out because sometimes we can’t see it. And it is best if this person who tells us this comes from a place of service rather than ego. We all sometime try to get back in tune with the wrong people. We’ve all been there.
*Extra credit* Who’re the three to five people closest in your sphere? Who are the three to five people who you have interface with and have impacts on you? Do they help you tune or are they keeping you playing shitty music that’s out of tune. Choose wisely.
We’ll talk about auto-tune another time.
Thanks for your time. Have a great day.