Latest Thoughts
Petrol for the Soul #12
Good Morning! Here’s some awesome fuel for the week. Put some soul dollars in the bank. Check this out and email me or comment to let me know how these videos and article landed on you. This week; This video is from the film “Youth” by Pablo Sorrentino. If you haven’t seen the movie […]
Belonging, connecting and love.
Belonging is one of the earliest questions that we beings have ingrained in us. “Is there a place for me?” I don’t want to be accused of tricking you so I share early on that in this post we’re also talking about shame, the belief that we don’t fit in, there isn’t a place for […]
Petrol for the Soul #11
Good Morning! Here’s some awesome fuel for the week. Put some soul dollars in the bank. Check this out and let me know how these songs, videos, articles or talks land on you. This week; There’s good in the world, there’s beauty and there’s love. Thanks for spending your valuable time here. I […]
Brainwaves and God!!
And Forgiveness and Appreciation I was having a meaningful conversation with my friend, Gareth Higgins the other day and he relayed a story about a company that had made drill bits for years and years. I’m probably going to butcher the story but you’ll get the point. They’d been a leader in the industry and […]
Petrol for the Soul #10
Good Morning! Here’s some awesome fuel for the week. Put some soul dollars in the bank. Check this out and let me know how these songs, videos, articles or talks land on you. This week; There’s good in the world, there’s beauty and there’s love. Thanks for spending your valuable time here. Please […]
Level of consciousness.
Consciousness is a loosely defined concept that addresses the human awareness of both internal and external stimuli. This can refer to spiritual recognition, psychological understanding, medically altered states, or more modern-day concepts of life purpose, satisfaction, and self-actualization. Here’s what I figure…we’re wired to grow, evolve and attempt to reach higher levels of consciousness. Growth […]
Petrol for the Soul #9
Good Morning and Happy New Year!! Are you ready for an awesome year? Here’s some awesome to get your week and whole year started. We all need to do lots to put some soul dollars in the bank so here’s just a few options. Let me know how these songs, videos, articles or talks land […]
Fulfillment through contribution.
One of the things I work with individuals on is finding and achieving fulfillment. Misnomer number one is fulfillment is not about the science of gaining things or have much to do with achievement. Fulfillment is the art and dance of giving something away and contributing something to the world. Contribution is one of our […]
Petrol for the Soul #8
Good Morning! Here’s some awesome fuel for the week. Put some soul dollars in the bank. Check this out and let me know how these songs, videos, articles or talks land on you. This week; There’s good in the world, there’s beauty and there’s love. Thanks for spending your valuable time here. Please share […]
One of the most powerful units of time.
It’s the end of another year. It’s time to reflect and look at what has worked for you and…what hasn’t. I find it imperative to reflect more and more as I seek to take responsibility to create my life and have the impact on the world that I intend. This doesn’t happen without doing it […]