Latest Thoughts
Is Change Really Possible…
I’ve recently read “How To Do The Work” by Nicole LaPerla. It was recommended to my by my good friend Sean Hansen, who is also a colleague, a while back. I read self help books a fair amount (I probably should since I’m in the work I’m in) and honestly they all kind of say […]
Head=Fun Body=Pleasure
I’ve recently talked about “experiencing” life. The idea being that we avoid living fully when we suppress, repress, and merely express certain things about our story, our past, or traumatic events. An example in real life that I want to share with you is about pleasure and fun. I’ve been accused of not being very […]
Sensation Seeking, Sensation Avoiding
The purpose of my work, my writing, and frankly what I think life is all about is to fully live. To experience joy, love, anguish, grief, and all the other emotions and sensations that we can feel. I think that throughout life we get burdened with thoughts, beliefs, and experiences that precipitate negative emotions and […]
Petrol for the Soul #335
I took a little time off. I’ve never done that. It was good for my soul. Took a trip, saw some art, ate some food, and now I’m back. My idea for the week: Something thought provoking: Something amazing/beautiful: The wild card: Thanks for your time, have a great week!
Greif, again. The deeper cut.
In part one of this message/idea I shared that I’d spent a tiny bit of energy desensitizing myself. Numbing out to protect myself and to stave off the fear that if I engaged in one of the most powerful emotions we can experience it would be the end of me-grief. This process was, for the […]
Petrol for the Soul #334
Check out this particular blog of the two I do each week where I curate content intended to engage your noggin in a way that’s productive and meaningful. The world comes at us constantly with content that’s not feeding our soul in good ways. This is my counterbalance. My idea for the week: Something thought […]
Grief… Again
I ran from pain for a lot of my life. Not physical pain, of course. I had to subject myself to physical pain on a regular basis so that I could build my armor. I did this with the intent to end up not feeling at all. A campaign of numbness. Helpful, really, but not […]
Petrol for the Soul #333
Everything I do is an attempt to live more fully and authentically. My interface with the world always needs work. I overreact and under-react to nearly everything and my journey is about tuning things so that I see what is and I feel the corresponding sensations and vibrations. Here are some pieces of content for […]
WAIT! I’ve been here before…
A couple of the components that are very helpful to examine in order to change ourselves is our patterns and routines. A routine is a habitual or mechanical performance of an established procedure. A pattern is a reliable sample of traits, acts, tendencies, or other observable characteristics of a person, group, or institution. Something I […]
Petrol for the Soul #332
Free your mind and the rest will follow. “Feed” it too! My idea for the week: Something thought provoking: Something amazing/beautiful: The wild card: Thanks for your time, have a great week!