Latest Thoughts
Negative Voices/Messages/Beliefs
I’m not talking about schizophrenia-I’m talking about those negative, nagging beliefs that can bombard the best of any of us at times. These are some messages along with lines of accomplishing something; “You’re going to fail.” “You’ll look stupid.” “You’ll get hurt.” And one of my personal favorites…”You’re an idiot.” Things get even thicker as […]
Evolution and expansion. Growing into your vision of yourself.
Last week my blog was about growing and expanding our capacity in different areas of ourselves. I was recently talking to a friend and colleague about his fifteen year old son. We discussed what he wanted to “do” when he got older. We talked about his career, his occupation and other things and it occurred […]
Short term self destruction for the long term win!
Rather than short term comfort that creates eventual self destruction. Humans are hard wired to default into a “way of being” that is comfortable. That’s a natural tendency, right? So how do we combat that? One way to put what I do is working towards the optimization and expanding the potential of an individual. I’ve […]
What are your priorities? Are you lying to yourself?
I want to explain a delineation. We often have a set of ideal priorities. And then if we’re honest we see that where we spend our time clearly displays an alternate view of what’s actually important to us. Huh, who knows what I’m talking about? In my work I’m always looking for those gaps, also […]
Creating whole life balance
I don’t care what particular model you buy into but we’re made of different parts. Here are some examples. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. King, warrior, lover and magician. Business, family and health. We are a system of many parts. All the parts of ourselves need to be managed. They need energy and attention. My definition […]
The delusion of self help.
Our world/reality is made up of all our imprinting throughout our lives. All of our cultural differences, socializing, church/religious institutionalization, schooling, sporting experiences and so on and so on. Our world is naturally confined to all of those things. Another commonality we share as humans is an aversion to risk and change. This is natural […]
S.O.S. Help!
I was handed thoughts, beliefs and messages throughout my life. You were too. I didn’t always know what to do with them but I knew they were important so they’ve all been stored for later use. I knew they’d come in handy some day. Most of the time the messages can be heard as voices […]
Each relationship we have can create influence, we them and them us. As you know none of us are exactly the same. We live on a broad spectrum of existence. And whether we know it or not we are constantly being exposed to new ideas and beliefs. These beliefs or realities, if you will, are […]
Grow, integrate and rest.
I believe we live in cycles and that everything around us does. Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. (also known as risk) Integration is about altering ourselves moving forward from knowledge we acquire. Rest is where we assess what’s needed next and gather energy to move forward again. What does surrender mean to you? […]
Judgments Vs. Discernment
Judgments are at the root of suffering. The judgments I’m referring to are the kind used on ourselves and others to create hierarchy and power differentials. You know, ones like: I’m not good enough. I’m better than you. I’ll never measure up. You don’t belong here. Judgments create separation and disconnection. Since humans are neurobiologically […]