Latest Thoughts
Petrol for the Soul #2
For those of you who are just joining us I’m offering some cool, positive fuel to carrry you through the week since in these times we are bombarded by unhealthy, negative media and input. And I believe when a conscious account is taken, most don’t give us life. The way I put it is that […]
Psychic Vibration, You get what you give.
My theory, which is based on things I’ve read (and of course FOX News), is that there are different levels of living our lives. Meaning there’s actually a scale of consciousness or way of being where there are higher and lower levels. We live life in alignment with this scale and as we grow and […]
Petrol for the Soul.
In these times, we access (or are bombarded by) countless types of input that we fuel ourselves with. I think the majority of these are unhealthy and when a conscious account is taken, they really don’t give us life. The way I put it is that they don’t put soul dollars in the bank. And […]
A few more thoughts on Risk…
I talk about risk all the time. I find it to be an interesting subject. We can’t completely avoid it and we can’t live in a constant state of risk. So…having a healthy relationship with risk involves balance and paying attention. Like almost everything in life, we need to dance with risk. Another factor with […]
10ft. tall and Bulletproof
I spent a good part of my life acting like I had all my shit together. Every look, every action, everything was driven by a desire to look like I was powerful, strong and invincible. The truth is, I’m not. I’m tender, I’m weak and I’m needy. That’s right, I said the “N” word. I’m […]
Slowing Down
I listened to a debate one time where two men held different beliefs about things that were important to each of them. They were polite and respectful as they each explained their point of view and shared their perspective. Interesting thought, huh? What struck me and stayed with me from the entire discussion was what […]
Stability and the pathway forward.
I manage and control my tendencies towards emotional instability with exercise, food and meditation. I denied the reality that I struggled with having a stable mood, being happy and positive. When I finally admitted what was happening I could find solutions to what was troubling me. There was a time that I was depressed and […]
Humans have a handful of basic psychological needs. These are things that are hard wired in all of us. I’m going to tease you and not give you all of them right now but one of them is our need to evolve, grow and transform. We need this. Young, old, male, female-all are wired for […]
We never know.
I posted something on Instagram a couple of weeks ago. It stated this; If you are unclear, try this: When you get to the end, what are you unwilling to say you have not done? Do those things. Do that. First. Now. Another great quote: The trouble is you think you have more time. ~Buddha […]
Finding the “Sweet Spot” of change.
Change occurs. No matter what change is going to keep happening. But we do have choices, we can resist, we can embrace it, we can ignore it or we can create it. As we engage in change, we choose consciously or unconsciously to enter the sea of change with a particular mindset…a mental state. In […]